lundi 11 janvier 2010

something left : present!

30 June 2009 was my 21st birthday, which become my surprise-birthday ever, with my loves around. Surprise visit at 00:00 am, and a super yummy surprise-cake. Thank you, all. You're my best!


What I got for my 21st bday presents, just as blast as that surprise. Tough it's not all coming on that day, (some present just come by this month, oh yes, Jan 2010 - 6 months after my bday, haha!) I really appreciate it, and none words can describe but LOVE. I love it. I love you all. :)

,,,and how funny me seeing the meaning of the present by whom gave it to me, very suitable! Let's see :

A super-ultra-gorgeous leather jacket, just as I wish for a long long time... From my lovely bestfriend, my best college mate-couple : Irene-Sil and Nadia-Aziz. I love you guys. Zillion thanks for y'all! It means : they know how to make me smile and having lots of fuuunnn! :)

Alhamdulillah, Ratri always there for me to reminds me to always blessing my life, and pray to God. Yea, it's mukena! It really touched my heart and make me feel ridiculed at the same time, hahaaa, kidding! Thank you, honey...

Last but the first, yay!

It my 1st 21st bday present, from my boyfriend! You'll never imagine what it really is. Maybe you won't have any guts to have a problem with me, if you know what cause can this stuff made. Seriously, you don't want to know what this thing exactly. Ha-ha ;) He really crazy to gave this to me. Oh my, from this litlle thing (which could causing a BIG impact), I could see that he is my saviour, and I know that he will always stand beside me to protect me. He knows how to make me feel safe, everytime, everywhere... :) Thank you, dear. I love you too much :X

Once again, I love you all. Love-Love-Love.
I really feel blessed to have you (and all this gift) in my life.
Oh, I love you!

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

happy super belated birthday! hehe :D

rah[ma.ut]ami a dit…

itu, ....
pengejut listrikk?

l a r a s ;) a dit…

ka upi : thx! <3

maut : hehe..seperti yg anda lihat di transformer 2, kira2.. hehe..