lagi pengen ngeluarin unek-unek aja. lagi-lagi berhubungan dengan spekulasi. hahaha. lucu banget ya, apa yang kita tulis di blog bisa jadi konsumsi publik yang di salah artiin. sebenernya saya lagi kesel aja, suka adaaa aja spekulasi orang yang muncul gara-gara apa yang saya tulis disini.
SALAH SATU contoh nih ya, tulisan saya yang berjudul GURL RULEZ ! ;)
kayanya adaaa aja,orang yang mikir macem-macem setelah saya nulis ini. mereka bilang saya lagi galau gara-gara 2 cowo, saya lagi sayang sama cowo ini lah, itu lah, dan blablabla lainnya. padahal ya, disitu saya ga cantumin nama saya loh. ok ok, saya ngaku deh, daripada makin banyak anggepan-anggepan salah. itu memang cerita saya. tapi HEY, *curhatan* itu adalah curhat-curhatan saya dan teman saya pada saat 2 tahun yang lalu. which is so long long time ago... yang kepengen aja saya tulis ulang, karena saya lagi kangen masa-masa SMA yang bodoh tapi lucu itu.
eehhh gataunya, sampe jadi bikin gosip-gosip aneh. HAHAHA serasa artis aja ya saya? peace.
jadi gini, saya selalu merasa bahwa nulis di blog adalah suatu kebebasan si punya blog, mau nulis apa aja ya terserah kan? kasarnya sih "blog-blog gw, lo suka baca ya gw seneng, lo ga suka ya gak usah baca".
waktu itu teman dekat saya yang baiiikk:) ngomong ke saya,
dia : Ras, ya udahlah, lain kali ga usah nulis-nulis yang aneh-aneh. kan jadi nimbulin gosip-gosip ga enak...
saya : hmm iya sih, tapi sori, gw ga bakalan berhenti nulis apapun, ya suka-suka gw lah mau nulis apaan, selama ga ngerugiin siapa-siapa kan?
dia : iyaaa, tapi kalo kaya sekarang? ngerugiin diri lo sendiri kan?
saya : ya gak apa-apa, peduli amat deh. gak banget gw harus ngebatasin diri buat nulis apa yang gw suka, ga mau gw, tapi yang pasti, gw ga bakalan nulis apapun yang menjelek-jelekkan orang lain atau yang bisa ngerugiin orang lain. itu aja.
well, saya memang keras kepala. tapi bener kan? toh cuma ngerugiin diri saya sendiri. lagian emang rugi ya digosipin? yah ngga juga sih, biasa aja. HAHAHAHAHHH.
tapi kata saya tadi, saya juga mikir kok kalau mau nulis. saya gak akan nulis sesuatu yang mendiskreditkan pihak lain, apalagi tanpa alasan. kalau emang saya mau caci maki ya ga masalah kan selama ada alasan dan yang saya tulis itu memang benar? hahaha ngga deenggg, peace aja lah. dan juga, tolong garis bawahi, saya tidak akan pernah mau menulis sesuatu yang bisa menyakiti atau mengganggu orang-orang terdekat saya, orang-orang yang saya sayang. ngerti kan maksud "mengganggu" disini? contoh misalnya, {waktu itu} pacar saya jadi terganggu baca cerita tentang itu atau si nengRatri ga suka diekspos "kelesbiannya" sama saya, ya ga akan saya tulis. hihihihi kidding! buktinya mereka ga ada yang protes. jadi sayanya juga fine-fine aja. kalau baru mengganggu saya aja sih ya biarin lah. asal mereka-meraka yang saya sayang ini ga kena imbasnya juga.
gitu deh pokonya. lucu aja yaa? makanya kalau baca tulisan orang tuh jangan suka ditelen mentah-mentah. resapi dan cermati dulu lahhh. rugi kan lo seudzon ama orang? selain dosa, malah jadi nambah-nambah pahala orang yang digosipin lohh. makasih aja saya sih. hihihi.
keep on reading ya! ;)
allrite then, , , ga semua yang lo baca itu bener . . .
vendredi 23 novembre 2007
mardi 20 novembre 2007
{ . . . . . . }
don't want to leave, but we both know sometimes it's better to go.
somehow i know we'll meet again.
not sure quite where and I don't know just when you're in my heart.
so until then,
don't want to cry saying goodbye . . .
somehow i know we'll meet again.
not sure quite where and I don't know just when you're in my heart.
so until then,
don't want to cry saying goodbye . . .
~The Muppets~
relationships are like glass
sometimes it's better to leave them broken
than to hurt yourself trying to put it back together
. . . ?
relationships are like glass
sometimes it's better to leave them broken
than to hurt yourself trying to put it back together
. . . ?
mercredi 7 novembre 2007
just a note from yesterday . . .
Sometimes a man
Is gonna be a man
It's not an excuse
It's just how it is
Sometimes the wrong
Don't know that they're wrong
Sometimes the strong
Ain't always so strong
Sometimes a girl
Is gonna be a girl
She don't wanna deal with all the drama in your world
God knows I don't mean to give it to you
So girl I'm sorry for the stupid things I wish I didn't do but I do
Sorry for The Stupid Things - Baby Face
i'm just being sceptical these days
found it's hard to gain my trusts
to everything, to everyone
and guessing how many people talk behind your back
stabbing you around
it's tiring, isn't it?
that's why i'm trying to shut my ear
well, i never try to care about what other people says
it's their bussiness to speculating
about what i did, what i do, or what i'm gonna do
yeah, may be i'm doing a bad things
i admit it
so they said i'm bad?
define bad, then
everything happen for a reason
so, with my way through the life
everything that i did
must be coming from a reason as well
now, think with your brain
is that hurting somebody was my reason?
and my answer is, no
absolutely NO
what i'm gonna tell you,
i'm not as what-so-ever as you think
i'm not as bad as you opinionated
you just know NOTHING
i miss you, i miss me even more
that's all what i really feel.
maybe you jus't won't feel it
and i could tell you that nobody wouldn't feel the emptyness
that choke in my deeply heart
they'd see me smiling, giggling, cheering, crazy
also freak as usual
yes, they don't see the pain inside
well, is there any pain?
of course pal, i'm a normal person as you are
poorly, i'm easily getting hurt
but it would be difficult for you to see the pain
because i'm good at hiding it
i know, we can hide
but, we can not run
the problem is i'm running so fast
like i don't wanna look around
starting didn't notice everything . . .
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm notwrong strong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
*thx for the picture
Sometimes a man
Is gonna be a man
It's not an excuse
It's just how it is
Sometimes the wrong
Don't know that they're wrong
Sometimes the strong
Ain't always so strong
Sometimes a girl
Is gonna be a girl
She don't wanna deal with all the drama in your world
God knows I don't mean to give it to you
So girl I'm sorry for the stupid things I wish I didn't do but I do
Sorry for The Stupid Things - Baby Face
i'm just being sceptical these days
found it's hard to gain my trusts
to everything, to everyone
and guessing how many people talk behind your back
stabbing you around
it's tiring, isn't it?
that's why i'm trying to shut my ear
well, i never try to care about what other people says
it's their bussiness to speculating
about what i did, what i do, or what i'm gonna do
yeah, may be i'm doing a bad things
i admit it
so they said i'm bad?
define bad, then
everything happen for a reason
so, with my way through the life
everything that i did
must be coming from a reason as well
now, think with your brain
is that hurting somebody was my reason?
and my answer is, no
absolutely NO
what i'm gonna tell you,
i'm not as what-so-ever as you think
i'm not as bad as you opinionated
you just know NOTHING
i miss you, i miss me even more
that's all what i really feel.
maybe you jus't won't feel it
and i could tell you that nobody wouldn't feel the emptyness
that choke in my deeply heart
they'd see me smiling, giggling, cheering, crazy
also freak as usual
yes, they don't see the pain inside
well, is there any pain?
of course pal, i'm a normal person as you are
poorly, i'm easily getting hurt
but it would be difficult for you to see the pain
because i'm good at hiding it
i know, we can hide
but, we can not run
the problem is i'm running so fast
like i don't wanna look around
starting didn't notice everything . . .
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
*thx for the picture
you, thx for opened up my mind wisely
you, thx for makes me smiling today
you, thx for makes me smiling today
so-NOT-important thing ;p
Rule: Pick Only One. Dont cheat!
Next: Bear in mind your answers as you
scroll down for interpretations.
BLACK- You love the crowd... a party animal! Too many friends, you can easily tell which among them is real and not...
WHITE- Mysterious... oftentimes, a loner. You know your true friends and only them are allowed to understand the real you.
COFFEE- You hide your emotions...Sometimes pretending to be always happy. Sometimes, not giving even a hint of what you really feel.
SOFTDRINKS- You're usually expressive... Open about your emotions and most of the time willing to talk about it.
MOON- You love deeply... you may flirt along and people think you're a playboy/playgirl but the truth is: your heart belongs to only one.
STARS- You search for love... you're a hopeless romantic and every time you enter a relationship, you give your all and believe,this is the One.
TV- You have so many ideas in mind...You're creative and aggressive! If you want something, you'll do anything to get it!
RADIO- You appreciate simple things in life... You hate complicating things that's why you're typically up-front in any aspect.
SUGAR- You're an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend... You don't care if your partner doesn't really love you as long as you love him. You give your all...
SPICE- You're a stubborn sweetheart...You love him/her only because he/she loves you. If his/her flame puts out, you let go with no trouble.
DOGS- You're undoubtedly good-natured! Most of the time, people are confident to approach you because they know you will consider them.
CATS- You're intimidating! People have an impression that you're elite or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.
NINJA- You love actions...with thehero-like taste! You focus on your strengths and use them to protect persons/things that are important to you.
PIRATE- You're independent! You're also risky just like the pirates who sail in the vast and dangerous ocean to look for treasures!
ok, i know this is such an unimportant things,, but, which one are you? ;p
Rule: Pick Only One. Dont cheat!
Next: Bear in mind your answers as you
scroll down for interpretations.
BLACK- You love the crowd... a party animal! Too many friends, you can easily tell which among them is real and not...
WHITE- Mysterious... oftentimes, a loner. You know your true friends and only them are allowed to understand the real you.
COFFEE- You hide your emotions...Sometimes pretending to be always happy. Sometimes, not giving even a hint of what you really feel.
SOFTDRINKS- You're usually expressive... Open about your emotions and most of the time willing to talk about it.
MOON- You love deeply... you may flirt along and people think you're a playboy/playgirl but the truth is: your heart belongs to only one.
STARS- You search for love... you're a hopeless romantic and every time you enter a relationship, you give your all and believe,this is the One.
TV- You have so many ideas in mind...You're creative and aggressive! If you want something, you'll do anything to get it!
RADIO- You appreciate simple things in life... You hate complicating things that's why you're typically up-front in any aspect.
SUGAR- You're an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend... You don't care if your partner doesn't really love you as long as you love him. You give your all...
SPICE- You're a stubborn sweetheart...You love him/her only because he/she loves you. If his/her flame puts out, you let go with no trouble.
DOGS- You're undoubtedly good-natured! Most of the time, people are confident to approach you because they know you will consider them.
CATS- You're intimidating! People have an impression that you're elite or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.
NINJA- You love actions...with thehero-like taste! You focus on your strengths and use them to protect persons/things that are important to you.
PIRATE- You're independent! You're also risky just like the pirates who sail in the vast and dangerous ocean to look for treasures!
ok, i know this is such an unimportant things,, but, which one are you? ;p
mardi 6 novembre 2007
autis is our middle name.
ok, kalau cerita soal saya dan sobat saya Ratri, emang ga akan ada habisnya. kita berdua emang dua orang aneh, yang bisa SANGAT ANEH kalau udah ketemu. contoh komentar orang-orang,
Neil, kabid pertunjukan kita tercinta yang kata Ratri terlalu serius dalam nanggepin hidup (hehe peace lohh Neil!), suatu hari bilang ke kita waktu kita lagi cekikikan ga jelas.
terus ada Ujep, komentarnya dia suka lebih aneh. pernah dia dengan muka serius dan emang beneran serius nanya ke saya,
well, maklumi saja. saya juga ga ngerti kenapa bisa gini. yang pasti, saya dan ratri sama-sama beruntung karena bisa ketemu orang yang bisa dijadiin pelampiasan sifat asli masing-masing. hahaha.
jadi, ini adalah sebuah cerita nyata, yang tidak direkayasa. bertempat di kantin bengkok, ITB, pada siang hari yang panas, di tempat mengantri makanan.
R : lo masih ngobat?
L : iya, gimana dong, susah sih buat berhenti
R : jangan kayak gitu ah,lo udah kurus ceking gini
L : iya iya, ini juga udah mulai ngurangin ko, nyoba berenti pelan-pelan
R : baguslah, emang berapa strip?
L : tiga strip doang ko
seorang mba-mba di sebelah R dan L yang pastinya daritadi mendengar percakapan mereka, mulai menengok curi-curi pandang sedikit-sedikit.
R : huhh, susah ya emang, lingkungan lo tuh, teknik m***** sih
L : iyaa, ya mau gimana lagi dong, cowo semua gitu isinya. ya gw jadi kebawa-bawa kan.
R : untung gw anak bi****, ga ada yang kaya gitu.
L : hmmm, gimana dong
R : cowo lo juga tuh, bawa-bawa lo.
L : heuh,emang. gara-gara dia juga.
R : yaudahlah ya, lo cepet-cepet tobat aja. parah juga teknik m*****.
si mba-mba yang daritadi *pastinya* ngedengerin, langsung cabut, sambil sebelumnya liat-liat ke arah mereka. entah apa yang ada di pikirannya. pasti kaget dong denger di ITB ada percakapan kayak gitu, atau dia buru-buru pergi buat membagi gosip yang dia dengar barusan ke teman-temannya? only God knows.
perkenalkan, R adalah Ratri dan L adalah saya, Laras.
dan percakapan barusan benar-benar terjadi, secara spontan, di sela kebosanan menunggu makanan pesanan. dan hey, tentu saja itu cuma akting! saya dan Ratri udah ga tahan nahan ketawa. dan baru ngakak muntah waktu si mba-mba tadi ngibrit. hakhakhakhakkk.
(anyway, emang ada ya istilah 'berapa strip' buat ngobat? saya ga ngerti loh ;p)
dan ini cuma sepersekian cerita bodoh yang kita alamin bareng-bareng. masih banyak lagiii sebenernya.
autis bener kan kita? hakhakhakkkk ;)
Neil, kabid pertunjukan kita tercinta yang kata Ratri terlalu serius dalam nanggepin hidup (hehe peace lohh Neil!), suatu hari bilang ke kita waktu kita lagi cekikikan ga jelas.
lucu ya kalau ngelihat kalian, kaya punya dunia sendiri kalau lagi berdua.
terus ada Ujep, komentarnya dia suka lebih aneh. pernah dia dengan muka serius dan emang beneran serius nanya ke saya,
Ras, lu ama Ratri ga beneran lesbi kan?
apaaa??? (antara serem dan pengen ngakak denger pertanyaan seriusnya) ya ngga lah Jep, tapi terserah sih kalau ada yang bilang gitu. emang gw sayang ko! hehehehe.
hmm,soalnya jujur aja, baru kali ini gw nemu sobatan seaneh kalian, selama ini gw belum pernah nemu dua orang cewe yang sobatannya segitunya banget.
well, maklumi saja. saya juga ga ngerti kenapa bisa gini. yang pasti, saya dan ratri sama-sama beruntung karena bisa ketemu orang yang bisa dijadiin pelampiasan sifat asli masing-masing. hahaha.
jadi, ini adalah sebuah cerita nyata, yang tidak direkayasa. bertempat di kantin bengkok, ITB, pada siang hari yang panas, di tempat mengantri makanan.
R : lo masih ngobat?
L : iya, gimana dong, susah sih buat berhenti
R : jangan kayak gitu ah,lo udah kurus ceking gini
L : iya iya, ini juga udah mulai ngurangin ko, nyoba berenti pelan-pelan
R : baguslah, emang berapa strip?
L : tiga strip doang ko
seorang mba-mba di sebelah R dan L yang pastinya daritadi mendengar percakapan mereka, mulai menengok curi-curi pandang sedikit-sedikit.
R : huhh, susah ya emang, lingkungan lo tuh, teknik m***** sih
L : iyaa, ya mau gimana lagi dong, cowo semua gitu isinya. ya gw jadi kebawa-bawa kan.
R : untung gw anak bi****, ga ada yang kaya gitu.
L : hmmm, gimana dong
R : cowo lo juga tuh, bawa-bawa lo.
L : heuh,emang. gara-gara dia juga.
R : yaudahlah ya, lo cepet-cepet tobat aja. parah juga teknik m*****.
si mba-mba yang daritadi *pastinya* ngedengerin, langsung cabut, sambil sebelumnya liat-liat ke arah mereka. entah apa yang ada di pikirannya. pasti kaget dong denger di ITB ada percakapan kayak gitu, atau dia buru-buru pergi buat membagi gosip yang dia dengar barusan ke teman-temannya? only God knows.
perkenalkan, R adalah Ratri dan L adalah saya, Laras.
dan percakapan barusan benar-benar terjadi, secara spontan, di sela kebosanan menunggu makanan pesanan. dan hey, tentu saja itu cuma akting! saya dan Ratri udah ga tahan nahan ketawa. dan baru ngakak muntah waktu si mba-mba tadi ngibrit. hakhakhakhakkk.
(anyway, emang ada ya istilah 'berapa strip' buat ngobat? saya ga ngerti loh ;p)
dan ini cuma sepersekian cerita bodoh yang kita alamin bareng-bareng. masih banyak lagiii sebenernya.
autis bener kan kita? hakhakhakkkk ;)
lundi 5 novembre 2007
sadly ? ;( ?
Sometimes I wonder about what will come next
Where will my life turn when it seems to stall?
When is the next time I will smile again?
and how will I get up, should I fall?
Happiness fills me with a touch of sadness.
By that I mean I know it can't last.
Beauty decays, laughter subsides
When will the stones be cast?
Tragedy can be measured
by the amount of happiness taken away
Elusion is our only protection
As we fall victim to its prey
So when I've reached a fork in life's road
and the choices are many or few.
I follow the one that leads away from misfortune
Thats all I can really do
When life is good
You have to hold it in your hand
You have to close your eyes
You have to breathe it in!
Happiness may end
While tragedy begins
Today is the beginning
Is tomorrow the end?
us ,the superfinegirls, mellow-evening-rainy-day. x)
*from her. such a great melodramatic poem,rat.
Where will my life turn when it seems to stall?
When is the next time I will smile again?
and how will I get up, should I fall?
Happiness fills me with a touch of sadness.
By that I mean I know it can't last.
Beauty decays, laughter subsides
When will the stones be cast?
Tragedy can be measured
by the amount of happiness taken away
Elusion is our only protection
As we fall victim to its prey
So when I've reached a fork in life's road
and the choices are many or few.
I follow the one that leads away from misfortune
Thats all I can really do
When life is good
You have to hold it in your hand
You have to close your eyes
You have to breathe it in!
Happiness may end
While tragedy begins
Today is the beginning
Is tomorrow the end?
us ,the superfinegirls, mellow-evening-rainy-day. x)
*from her. such a great melodramatic poem,rat.
samedi 3 novembre 2007
the grey side.
masih ingat tentang daerah abu-abu?
daerah antara putih dan hitam,
antara iya dan tidak,
antara benar dan salah.
tau ga, dulu saya penah dikasih tugas sama dosen, tugas rupa dasar, membuat gradasi hitam ke putih. dan ternyata, warna abu-abunya bisa dibuat banyak banget. ada abu-abu yang nyaris putih, sampai abu-abu yang nyaris hitam.
kadang-kadang kita ngga sadar kalau kita udah sampai di daerah yang nyaris hitam, atau lebih parah, hitam itu sendiri disangka masih abu-abu. kalau di tugas sih kita udah dapet nilai jelek karena salah main komposisi.
bingung loh ngurutin dari putih sampe hitam dengan bener, susah ngebedain abu-abunya.
bingung kan kalau tau nilainya bakal jelek?
tapi sebenernya, peduli ga sih kalau nilainya jelek?
well, saya ga bicara soal tugas.
welcome to the jungle...? hakhakkk... x)
life is all about black and white, and, GREY side, yes.
daerah antara putih dan hitam,
antara iya dan tidak,
antara benar dan salah.
tau ga, dulu saya penah dikasih tugas sama dosen, tugas rupa dasar, membuat gradasi hitam ke putih. dan ternyata, warna abu-abunya bisa dibuat banyak banget. ada abu-abu yang nyaris putih, sampai abu-abu yang nyaris hitam.
kadang-kadang kita ngga sadar kalau kita udah sampai di daerah yang nyaris hitam, atau lebih parah, hitam itu sendiri disangka masih abu-abu. kalau di tugas sih kita udah dapet nilai jelek karena salah main komposisi.
bingung loh ngurutin dari putih sampe hitam dengan bener, susah ngebedain abu-abunya.
bingung kan kalau tau nilainya bakal jelek?
tapi sebenernya, peduli ga sih kalau nilainya jelek?
well, saya ga bicara soal tugas.
welcome to the jungle...? hakhakkk... x)
life is all about black and white, and, GREY side, yes.
*thx for the picture
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