jeudi 13 novembre 2008


I'm twisted cause one side of me tellin' me that i need to move on, on the other side I wanna break down and cry...

When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy, baby...

Let it burn ?

(Burn, Usher)

Fvck for this fake, for God's sake..

12 commentaires:

reytia a dit…

follow your heart.

hidup lo kan lo sndiri yg nentuin, why bother memusingkan diri lo buat ssuatu yg bikin lo susah?

Anonyme a dit…

nih dikasih yang lebih tragis:...
Maybe I was just a stepping stone for you to get to that point in your life where you'd figure out what you wanted, or didn't want... So to prove to you that I love you and all I want is for you to be happy, I'll walk away..

betapa malesnya living a lie.. damn :((

Anonyme a dit…

reytia : entah knp gw emang hobi bikin hidup sendiri susah :(. maybe because it's not that easy.. hoh..

anonyme : I think I know who you are......
. ...speechless.
just don't walk away...
..mungkin kita berdua punya pikiran yang sama..

yeah, betapa malesnya LIVING A LIE.. :(

reytia a dit…

(keep it simple, stupid)

yeah, tapi ngomong itu emang lebih gampang dairpada ngelakuin. sabar ya ras =(

Anonyme a dit…

huee?? do you really think you know who I am??

saya kan cuma kebetulan lewat, trus kebetulan baca, kemudian kebetulan tergelitik, hingga kebetulan niat untuk komentar.

My comment it's just the story of my life..

Anonyme a dit…

reytia : yaa, KISS! huhuuu..

anonyme : yes, i think i know you..hahaaa.

bilang saya sok tau, tapi saya emang ngerasa kenal deket dengan comment/crita yang anda tulis..

maybe i was wrong (said that i know you) but trust me, there's somebody out there who has the same story as yours..

--> My comment it's just the story of my life.. --> tuh kan makanya saya bilang kayanya kita punya 'pikiran' yang sama.

hahaaa. cheers!!

vienz a dit…

may be a side of yours were right: you needed to move on. yet you got off at the wrong train station, thus you break down and cry (cuz you got lost!)


well, why don't you take that train called 'life' once again? and now, try to get off at the right station. may be when you think you come to the right place, you can be happier, darling...

Anonyme a dit…

anonyme : Salam kenal! ternyata saya emang sok tau... hehehe.. :D

-la vienz- : you were right. may be i need to get a train called 'life' once again and keep finding my truly right train station..(dan mematenkan pikiran bahwa ini memang stasiun yang saya cari!) heuu..

,,,cuma lagi mengumpulkan uang dulu buat beli tiketnya.begitu siap,saya akan segera berangkat lagi.... :( :)


reytia a dit…

ngutang jg boleh kok ras.. hahahahaha *apa coba maksud guee haha

Anonyme a dit…

reytia : bwahahaha, ngutang gimana rey? maksudnya? *tingting* hehehe

melur a dit…

hadoh rasss, kamu tuh masih muda banget.. belom juga magang apalagi kerja, masih kuliah, enak segala macem masih diurusin mama-papa..

nih kata yang tiap hari harus diulang2: bersyukurlah.

Anonyme a dit…

melur: yup, BERSYUKUR!!!!! Laras, bersyukurlah!! heu.. :)